In the light of the Divine Revelation contained in the Word of God, in the Tradition of the Church and in the Magisterium the facts are very simple: making idols to worship is a very grave sin. Prostrating before idols is idolatry. Presenting offerings, sacrifices, parading them through the streets, enthroning them, crowning them, burning... Continue Reading →

La FSSP celebra Misa Tradicional en la tumba del Apóstol San Pedro en el Vaticano

La Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pedro (FSSP) celebró en días pasados, en la víspera de la Festividad de San Pedro y San Pablo, la Santa Misa Tradicional en Latín junto a los restos del Apóstol San Pedro en las grutas vaticanas. [FSSP offers Traditional Latin Mass at the tomb of the Apostle Saint Peter in the... Continue Reading →

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